The Bioeconomy Manifesto as a Collaborative Tool for Facilitating Innovation and Growth for a Stronger European Bioeconomy

The Bioeconomy Manifesto will be presented to the public on the Bioeconomy Policy Day on 16th of November, during the H2020 Societal Challenge 2 Infoweek. The Manifesto recognises the opportunities and challenges of developing the Bioeconomy and provides inspiration to regions and Member States, at various stages of development of their Bioeconomy strategies, as well as for the EU as a whole. With this in-depth workshop on 17th of November, the Bioeconomy Panel is reaching out to other interested players in the Bioeconomy to share the objectives of the Manifesto and its policy recommendations. The attendees will have also the opportunity to participate in an open debate about some of the Guiding Principles included in the Manifesto and discussion on next steps is encouraged. Read the full agenda and sign up via the document above.  Please note that two ERRIN Members are amongst the panel!!!