Workhsop on  Innovative Tools to Engage Older Adults in Managing Their Health

Workshop on Innovative Tools to Engage Older Adults in Managing Their Health

The Greater Copenhagen EU Office is hosting a workshop on 11 April entitled "Innovative Tools to Engage Older Adults in Managing Their Health.” as part of the SMILE Horizon 2020 project, led by a consortium of 13 partners from the EU and Canada.

The project supports older adults with severe health conditions in 'ageing in place.' Within living labs, they actively engage senior citizens, particularly those with COPD, dementia, or post-surgery, to comprehensively understand their unique needs and preferences for in-home care. SMILE digital technology is collaboratively developed, and other e-health solutions are embedded in Smart Inclusive Living Environments, specifically tailored to address the challenges frail older people face in their everyday living.
Experts, policymakers, social and healthcare sector representatives, and organisations from the field of ageing are invited to come together for insightful discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions to learn about the results of SMILE and important policy considerations supported by the project.

Moderated by Lars Kayser, PhD, MD, and Emilie Kauffeldt Wegener, MA, MS.c., both from the University of Copenhagen, the workshop aims to address empowering older adults to manage their health and the pressing need to effectively utilise digital health services in transforming healthcare while ensuring inclusivity for older individuals with varying digital competencies.

Attendees will learn about innovative healthcare models such as The Epital Care Model (ECM) using digital technology and the Readiness and Enablement Index for Health Technology (READHY) instrument. The agenda includes sessions on the practical application of the ECM model in healthcare organisations and the utilisation of READHY for the stratification of users to reduce inequity in digital transformation, particularly among older adults.

The workshop aims to generate actionable outcomes informing local and regional healthcare planning, emphasizing cross-sectoral collaboration and interdisciplinary work. Participants will explore strategies to leverage digital tools effectively to empower older adults to manage their health.

Learn more and register here.



  • 9:00 - 9:30 Coffee and networking
  • 9:30 - 9.45 Welcome by Terje Peetso, Chief Medical Innovation Officer, The North Estonia Medical Centre
  • 9:45 - 10:00 Introduction
  • 10:00 - 10:45 Group discussion
  • o How to use the ECM in your organization?
  • 10:45 - 11.00 Plenary discussion
  • 11:00 - 11:15 Break
  • 11.15 - 11.30 READHY model and Stratification
  • 11.30 - 12:00 Group discussion
  • o How READHY can be used for stratification of users to reduce inequity?
  • 12.00 - 12:30 Plenary discussion
  • 12:30 Closure
  • 12:30 – 13.30 Networking lunch
Event Presentations